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Entangled Adjustment

Chapter 1 Moving In
It was late morning on Saturday at the end of August, the weekend before school started. The sun was out and it was getting hot already.
Nova was wearing her favorite blue jeans and Native American owl t-shirt because her dad was Sioux. At least that’s what he told her mom. Then he died from cancer before she was born. That was when her mom was still married to Wilha and Scott’s dad, Brody Weckerly. Nova loved to wear Native American clothing because she felt closer to her deceased father.
“Come on Nova,” Mom said dressed in blue jeans and blue T-shirt with her hair in a pony tail. “We need help lifting this.” Nova grabbed a side of the desk and helped move it into the old farm house. The four of them were unloading a moving truck into the house they had just bought. Wilha, who was thirteen wearing brown jeans and a red T-shirt with brown medium length hair picked up a small box and took it inside.
“Wilha,” Nova said “you can carry more than that.”
“No, I’m weak.” Wilha said. “You and Scott are the strong ones. As a matter of fact I need to take a break.”
“But you didn’t do very much.”
Wilha found her Teen Crush magazine, she sat in the shade on the porch, and started reading about a country western singer she really liked. Nova rolled her eyes and continued working.
“Look at Nova, Wilha,” Scott said. “She’s younger than you, but is doing more work.”
Wilha looked up and then went back to reading. Finally, she got up and helped by carrying a couple books into the house. She rushed to her and Nova’s room and closed the door.
“So much for getting help moving into the house,” Scott told Nova as they moved a couch into the house.
“Why is she like that?” Nova asked getting a drink of well water from the kitchen sink.
He shrugged then helped Nova bring in a pink antique couch and put it in the living room next to Nova and Wilha’s bedroom.
Nova could hear Wilha sniffing in there. Maybe she had a cold. “Are you okay, Wilha?” Nova knocked on the door.
“I’ve got cramps and a cold,” Wilha said.
“Good thing we set your bed up for you,” Nova said.
“Uh huh.”
Nova went outside to the truck. “We’re going have to get some fly paper.”
“Let’s worry about one thing at a time.” Scott who was fifteen wore a tank top and gray sweat pants with long dyed black hair grabbed his heavy weights, his muscles bulging, and took them inside. The family put most of the furniture in the rooms and what was taken apart Mom and Scott put back together. They worked all day, cleaning and getting everything just so. Later, they had a small meal in the microwave for lunch.
Nova never wanted to move to Bardsville, Wisconsin, but she was roped into it. Her friends Leah and Vicky were left in Janesville, Wisconsin. She could still call and email them. But actually going to their house would be difficult because Nova’s family didn’t have a car. And neither did her friend’s family. People didn’t travel much anymore because gasoline was in short supply. People got around on bikes and horses mostly. The vet truck could be used occasionally and for mom’s work. Nova hated not seeing her friends and going to the mall or movies on weekends.
But Mom seemed to collect animals. So they signed up for a farm. But the one close-by was in Bardsville, Wisconsin, so they had to move. And because Mom was a vet there was no problem getting a place. The old house was white and had a dirt floor cellar. The rooms were dusty and oddly cold feeling. “It’s cold in here,” Nova said. “Are we going to freeze in the winter?”
“Naw,” Mom said. “I looked at this farm when there was snow on the ground and the house was toasty warm.”
“Oh that’s good.”
Afterward, Nova saddled up her mom’s Arabian mare, Char. The smell of leather and horse filled her nose. She became excited for the exploration that lay ahead. She was ten years old and four foot ten inches, but had an uncommon strength she attributed to her Native American heritage. Her half sister Wilha, came with her. She rode Penny who was a mixed pony that was white with red spots. They entered Sailor’s Park on a trail made for horses and hikers.

Chapter 2 Sailor’s Park
The two horseback riders ran into two girls about Nova’s age. They were with their mom.
“Mom, look, horses,” the tall slender girl with corn rows said. She was dressed in a green t-shirt with light blue shorts and flip flops. Her sister had straight hair and was dressed in a pink tube top. And she also had orange shorts with flip flops. The mother had a short fro wore a red T-shirt and black shorts and boat shoes.
“Takeesha and Ruby stay back!” The mother held them back. “Horses can be dangerous, if you don’t know them.”
The ten year old girl whose eyes glittered with excitement stepped forward without fear.
“Takeesha,” her mom said. “Move slowly, so you don’t startle them.”
“What a beauty. Can I pet your horse?” Takeesha asked Nova.
“Sure.” Nova pulled back on the reins to stop the mare.
Takeesha, her sister, and her mom petted the horse. The mother just swiped the horse with her hand like she was made to look like a fool. She sighed. “What is she, an Arabian horse?”
“She’s a purebred Arabian.” Nova patted Char’s neck.
“Where did you get her?”
“At Robert Foremost’s Ranch in Beloit, Wisconsin.”
“Are we going to get a couple horses too?” Takeesha asked.
“Maybe,” Takeesha’s mom said. “We can see what they have.”
“We can? Really? Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” Takeesha and her sister jumped around.
The horses tried to bolt. Nova and Wilha pulled back on the reins. “Watch out for your feet!”
“See, now you can’t jump around,” her mom said putting hands on the two girls shoulders and pushing down. “You’ll scare the horses.”
“Oh sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Nova said pulling back on the reins and talking quietly to calm the horse. “It’s okay, girl.”
“You two are new here aren’t you?” Takeesha asked Nova and Wilha.
“Yeah, we just moved here to a farm over there.” Nova pointed behind herself.
Suddenly, a blond boy on a motor cross bike raced up to them. He swung his arm. “Get outta the way!”
Takeesha, Ruby and her mom jumped out of the way. Char spooked and ran into the trees. Nova tried to control her as the moto-bike sped past down the path.
“Holy chaos, kid!” Nova yelled.
Soon Char settled down.
“Let’s get away from the horses,” Takeesha’s mom said. “Well, see you later.” Nova waved.
Nova and Wilha resumed walking their horses on the path. Takeesha and her family left.

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